Anchor Ideas

American Web Design Award Winners

We recently entered some of our web work into the 2016 American Web Design Awards ( There were more than 1,250 entries this year, and just 15 percent of them took home awards. Anchor Marketing’s {code} Roadies web development team earned two Award Certificates this year: one for, a site for a Canadian client that is making… Read more »

Is There A Hole In Your Hearing?

Last week I captured a dinosaur. That is, I added an old CRT (tube) TV to my retro video game room. It wasn’t huge, but it was heavy. I forklifted it in because it lets me play some old games that do not play well with flat screen TVs. Once it was lugged into its final resting… Read more »

My Weekend With YouTube

If you read this blog, you know that I am a gamer. Lately, I’ve been exploring my roots as a retro gamer. That is, somebody who collects and plays classic old games (everything from Donkey Kong to Dreamcast games). I’m in that 40-something age where I suddenly have a compulsion to collect stuff from my past. At… Read more »

The Warriors And The NBA As WWE

I am feeling old. I don’t have a sore back or terribly bad eyesight or anything, but when it comes to talking about my favorite sport – professional basketball – I catch myself sounding like an old man on his porch telling teenagers to stay off his lawn. I find myself bemoaning the current state… Read more »

Easter Bunny Horror Stories

The other day I was making an infrequent trip to a shopping mall, and I happened to walk by the seasonal photo set (one of the reasons that my mall visits are infrequent, by the way). On the set was a screaming toddler and well-meaning adult in a terrifying Easter Bunny costume. It was classic:… Read more »

How To React To Facebook Reactions

If you ever wanted a “dislike” button on Facebook, your wish has finally come true. Well sort of. The addition of cute “reactions” emoji now allows users to weigh in on posts with a little more emotional precision. You can still like something, but now you can also choose a “love” icon, a “laughing” icon,… Read more »

The Super Bowl Of Bad Ads

Well, the Denver Broncos are the NFL Super Bowl champs, but who won the annual “ad bowl,” the competition to see who can make the greatest, most-talked about TV commercial? Nobody. This year’s crop of “event ads” was by far the worst in history. Time and time again I found myself asking my wife “who… Read more »