Anchor Ideas

Hal Halliday, Kerry Heid Acquire Anchor Marketing

As of January 1, 2015, Greg “Hal” Halliday and Kerry Heid became the principal owners of Anchor Marketing, a brand-building agency headquartered in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Halliday and Heid purchased the company from Steve Eickman, who founded the company in 1997. Eickman will stay with Anchor Marketing as part of the account service team.… Read more »

Why Are Some Brands Stronger Than Others?

Anchor Waves Newsletter, October 2013 Why Are Some Brands Stronger Than Others? The answer starts with a question. Simon Sinek’s 2009 book Start with Why contains some very powerful observations about leadership. He analyzed a number of successful companies and their management teams in order to find common elements in their success stories. He looked… Read more »

Anchor Waves Newsletter – August 2013

It Pays To Preach To The Choir All of your target audiences are important – including internal ones. One of our former clients was a nice restaurant. They had good food, but had developed something of a reputation for slow service. This, in turn, led to weak lunch traffic – after all, who wanted to go to… Read more »

Anchor Waves Newsletter – May 2013

Promotions vs. Brand Building How To Find The Right Balance For Your Business For your business to grow, people need to know who you are. That’s obvious. Less clear is the path that each unique business should take to tell the world about its products or services. Should you rely on promotions? Should you take… Read more »

Anchor Waves Newsletter – March 2013

Planning For Marketing And Marketing From A Plan Hank had an appointment with a client. He was scheduled to meet Mac, a contractor, at a model home in a new housing development to discuss some business. Hank had a general idea where he was going, so he busied himself with other tasks until the time… Read more »

Anchor Waves Newsletter – October 2012

Come Together, Right Now Ten years ago, the buzzword when talking about marketing and media was “convergence.” Experts used it when they predicted a future in which all digital (and even some analog) media would come together in one place. You don’t hear the word very much anymore. Do you want to know why? Because… Read more »