If you pay attention to web development, you have probably been hearing about CSS3 and HTML5 off and on now for about a year.
Anchor Ideas
I was recently introduced to a new concept in leadership. To be a better leader you need to focus on refining the things that you’re already good at, rather than worrying about the things that “need improvement.” I think the same is true for brands.
Or more importantly what is your color saying about your business?
(By Alan Underkofler at followupsuccess.com) What is the value of our current customers? In sales it seems we are always striving to get the next customer…
You’ll have to excuse me, I’m an engineer at heart. I like designing things—over-designing things, even. I also like big, smart sounding titles.
Combining black and white photography (done by our own Anchor crew) with live video, this 30-second ad highlights First United Bank’s experienced ag lenders in action.
Anchor Marketing was recently awarded two 2010 American Graphic Design Awards by Graphic Design USA, a national news magazine for graphic designers and other creative professionals. American Graphic Design Awards have been given out for 40 years and annually honor those who have produced outstanding new designs. Out of thousands of entries, Anchor Marketing was… Read more »