Author: Jay Mindeman

Jay Mindeman is the award winning creative director at Anchor Marketing. He is responsible for writing a good portion of the content that the agency produces. He also oversees graphic design and web development. In addition to his work at Anchor, Jay teaches communication at North Dakota's largest university.
20 Above VS 20 Below

If you live in North Dakota for any period of time that includes January and February, you are likely to experience the joys of subzero temperatures. And if you’re really lucky, you’ll get to experience the life-changing, paradigm-shifting glory of a cold snap like the one we experienced recently, complete with temperatures that tumble 20 or… Read more »

Life Is Like The Vikings

If you watch the NFL at all, you know that this weekend the Minnesota Vikings lost a heartbreaker of a playoff game to the Seahawks in subzero temperatures. As I watched the predictable social media response after the game, I could sympathize with kicker Blair Walsh, who missed a short field goal that would have sealed a… Read more »

Logos Aren’t Magic

Hal Halliday, one of the owners here at Anchor, recently came across an excellent video featuring legendary designer and author, Michael Bierut, that does a great job of describing how logos really work. When I watched it, I was virtually yelling “amen” after every soundbite. I still do quite a few logo designs, and if… Read more »

You’re The Doctor

I worked in the television business for a few years, and it was one of my favorite gigs. As with any job that employs creative people, there were stories and legends that circulated, and one of my favorites was about Chuck Bundlie, one of WDAZ’s first news reporters. Chuck was on TV in the early 1970s… Read more »

The Accountant Hunger Games

In a dystopian future, a new bloodsport arises. It’s called the Accountant Hunger Games. In this savage contest, businesses task three different accounting firms to do their books. Then, in a brutal twist, they only choose the completed version of the books that they like the best. The lucky accounting firm responsible is spared, while… Read more »

Adventures In Geofencing

We have a client who sells a unique product to a unique audience. That’s not anything new, of course, but in their case, it means that they don’t sell to a mass audience – instead they focus on a very, very small subset of the general population. Narrowcasting is the name of the game –… Read more »

Castle Of Duty: Don’t Jump The Shark

I read someplace last week that the latest Call of Duty video game earned $550 million in its first three days of release. That easily makes it the biggest entertainment launch of the year. By way of comparison, this summer’s Jurassic World – which set a record for the biggest opening weekend for a movie of… Read more »